How to create a custom WordPress login redirect

Today we look into how to use WordPress login redirect tools for custom login pages. We investigate how and why we should create custom user interactions and redirect to custom pages after login. In addition, we see some code examples of how to implement this in your WordPress site. Then we dive into how to measure the impact of this change.

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How to customize the BuddyPress profile page

Creating user profiles in BuddyPress is easy. But when it comes to BuddyPress and custom profile fields our choices may be limited. Therefore, today we’ll look into different ways to load custom profile fields on your BuddyPress profiles. Additionally, our goal is to understand how to edit and customize your field display.

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A visual guide to WordPress user registration hooks

There are many different WordPress hooks that are called during the user creation and registration process and it’s very important to understand how everything works together in order to choose the most appropriate hooks for your task. In this article, we are going to deep dive into WordPress user registration hooks. We are going to show you some visual representations to help you understand which actions and filters are called during user registration, as well as the sequence in which they are called.

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