Users Insights 4.3 update

Users Insights 4.3 is now available, featuring a new WooCommerce product reports section that provides detailed insights on sales performance of each product. The update also includes other various new features and improvements including an option to move back in time on period based reports and some new LearnDash features.

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A visual guide to WordPress user login hooks

In this article, we are going to discuss the WordPress hooks that are triggered during the user login process. WordPress calls many different actions and filters throughout its sign in process.

To customize the default WordPress login functionality, you will need to understand which hooks are called and when they are called in the code execution. That’s why we have created a detailed graphic that will help you understand the sequence of these hooks and how everything fits together.

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How to create and manage private pages in WordPress

Private pages in WordPress allows you to create pages that only certain type of users can access and it is not visible to the general public. It contains private content visible only to those with the right permissions. Depending on the settings of the private page, it may only be visible to some registered users, or it might be available to people who have the exact URL to the page.

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How to sell event tickets with WooCommerce

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use WooCommerce to sell event tickets. To achieve our goal, we are going to explore a combination of plugins and features. We are also going to dive deep into how to setup your own tickets selling website as well as how to create some custom reports and analytics to better optimize your store.

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ACF user registration and data segmentation

In this article, we are going to show you how you can use the ACF Pro plugin to create custom user registration forms. We are also going to see how you can use the Users Insights plugin to map and read the ACF user fields. This will allow you to better understand your users, and it will give you a solid basis for the decision-making process.

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