How to sell your services with WooCommerce

When it comes to e-commerce, usually we think of online retail stores. But the truth is, we can sell anything online including services. In this article we’ll look into how to use WooCommerce for selfing services. We check the different business models of service companies, and what you can use to level up your WooCommerce site.

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How to sell gift cards with WooCommerce

In this article we look into how to sell gift cards in your WooCommerce store. We analyze different options and how to set them up with free and premium plugins while comparing their capabilities. Then, we dive into different analytics you can track to measure how WooCommerce gift cards impact sales.

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Intercom alternative for WordPress

In this article, we look into Intercom alternatives using WordPress and Open Source software. Our goal for today is to explore the different features you have with WordPress plugins. In particular, we look into how to use Users Insights for user segments, activity, geolocation and more.

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Working with the WordPress user meta query

WordPress has a powerful user meta function that allows developers and plugins to store additional metadata about the registered users in the database. This meta information can be all sorts of different data and attributes that can be used for different purposes. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to use the WordPress user meta query to retrieve and segment your WordPress users based on particular meta key with certain data value.

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How to sell digital downloadable products with WooCommerce

Today we take a deep dive into how to sell digital downloadable products with WooCommerce and how to setup your WooCommerce store for selling digital products. We’ll also dive into basic topics, like how to create a simple downloadable digital product to some of the more complex and advanced topics like security, licensing, and how to protect your digital products.

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