AWPCP integration for Users Insights

One of our customers – Pavel Golub, has developed an integration for the AWPCP WordPress Classfields plugin and has decided to share his code with our customers. The module that he has developed provides an integration for the AWPCP plugin data for Users Insights. If you are using the AWPCP plugin and you need more advanced features to manage and analyze your user data, you will love this module.

What is AWPCP

AWPCP (short from Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin ) is a WordPress plugin allows website owners to create a classified ads directory on their website.

Classified ads are small messages grouped under specific group names like automobiles, real estate, employment, etc. These ads are usually text based only and have their own separate section in newspapers or magazines.

The AWPCP plugin allows you to add this kind of functionality to your WordPress website. Users can create an account on your website and add and manage their own classified ads. The AWPCP plugin also provides some other features and options, that you can learn more about on the AWPCP website.

Installing the AWPCP module

To get started you first need to install the AWCPCP module. The latest version of the module can be downloaded for free from GitHub.

Once you have downloaded the module, you can install it as a regular plugin from the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard.

After a successful activation, you will be able to see the new module in the Users Insights -> Modules Options page. From here you can activate the AWPCP module.

The AWPCP module ads the following fields to the Users Insights user table:

  • last ad – shows the last date when each user has posted an ad
  • paid for ad – shows the total amount that each user has paid for adds
  • ads – shows the total number of ads that each user has created

These fields are also available in the Users Insights filters so you can search and filter your users by these properties.

Finding the users with the most recent ads

You can see who the users that have posted the most recent ads are just by sorting your user table by the “Last ad” date field.

Order WordPress users by last AWPCP ad

If you use the “last ad” filter, you can filter your users by the date when they have created their last ad. An example will be to list all the users who have created an add in the last 15 days.

Find WordPress users with recent AWPCP ads

In the same way, you can find the users that haven’t been active recently, just by listing the users who haven’t posted an ad in the past one year for example.


Filtering the users by lifetime value

The “Paid for ads” field shows the total amount that the each user has spent on ads on your AWPCP website. Similar to the previous field you can sort the user table by the “Paid for ads” field, so you can find the top spenders on your website. You can also use the “Paid for ads” field to filter your users by the amount spent:

Filter WordPress users by amount paid for AWPCP ads

Finding the top ad creators on your website

As we have mentioned, the “Ads” field shows the total number of ads that each user has created on your AWPCP website. If you sort your user list by this field, you will get a ordered list of your top ad creators. If you want to search and filter your users by the number of ads created, you can use corresponding the filter.

Filter WordPress users by number of AWPCP ads posted


More detailed information available in the user profile page

The AWPCP module also adds a list of the several most recent ads posted in the user profile section. Each ad in the list has a link to its corresponding manage listing page, so you can easily access the ad details. This section makes it easy to preview your recent user activity.


Combining the AWPCP module with the default Users Insights features

The features that the AWPCP module provides can be combined with the rest of the Users Insights features, such as geolocation, user groups, device detection, etc. Here are some examples of how you can use the AWPCP module with some of the default Users Insights features.

Map of your AWPCP users

Thanks to the Geolocation module of Users Insights, you can now see an interactive map of your AWPCP user locations. The geolocation map can be accessed by clicking on the “globe” icon. From this section, you can also apply various filters to segment further the users displayed on the map. For example, if you want to find where the top ad creators are from, you can just apply the corresponding “Ads” filter.

See AWPCP users on the map


Exporting your AWPCP user data

The custom export feature of Users Insights allows you to create customizable exports of your WordPress users. You can use this feature along with the AWPCP module to export the user data in a CSV format. This exported data can be then used for custom reports or it can be imported into an email campaign service, so you can create a custom email campaign. With the export feature you can easily export all the data that the AWPCP module generates (like number of ads, last ad date, etc.), as well as apply any filters to create a custom segment of the users to export. For example, you could easily export only the list of users that have posted an ad in the last 30 days.