New filters and performance improvements in Users Insights 3.2

Version 3.2 of Users Insights is now available, featuring new WooCommerce and LearnDash elements and filters, as well as some general performance improvements.

Here is an outline of each of the latest changes:

  • New: WooCommerce “Has used coupon” filter
  • New: WooCommerce number of reviews column & filter
  • New: List WooCommerce reviews in the user profile page
  • New: LearnDash “Has/has not enrolled to course” filters
  • New: LearnDash Number of courses in progress column & filter
  • New: Added First Name and Last Name as separate columns
  • Improved the way the roles are displayed on the table
  • WooCommerce query speed improvements

Now let’s check more details about each of them.

WooCommerce “Has used coupon” filter

This new filter allows you to show all customers who have used a coupon code in one of their orders.

WooCommerce number of reviews column & filter

WooCommerce allows a lot of user data gathering. We have a guide on all the different options you have to filter through your users with Users Insights. Now the number of product reviews can be used in filtering and as a column. This allows you to quickly glance all their reviews and also quickly filter users with a certain amount of reviews.

User reviews


List WooCommerce reviews in the user profile page

You can now quickly see all the user reviews in their profile page. Before, this information was only available in the WooCommerce panels.

Product reviews in profile


New: LearnDash “Has/has not enrolled to course” filters

With the LearnDash module of Users Insights you can manage an entire classroom enviroment. This allows a wide set of different filters for your users and courses. Now, adding to these filters, you can also search through users based on their course enrolment status, and not only course completion or quiz attempts.

User has enrolled course


LearnDash Number of courses in progress column & filter

Now it’s possible to quickly glance over all the courses a user has in progress. This can also be used as a filter, or as an ordering attribute for you users. Please keep in mind that this will only show courses in progress, and not completed courses (which has its own filter).

Courses in progress


First Name and Last Name now available as separate columns

A quick change, now you can filter though first and last names separately, as opposed to filtering through them at the same time.

User's first and last name


Improved the way the roles are displayed on the table

The previous version of Users Insights used to show the main user role in the Role column. Now this column shows all of the roles assigned to the user:

User roles

WooCommerce query speed improvements

WooCommerce is a great plugin, but since its data is spread though multiple database tables, gathering this information can be sometimes slow. We’ve done a lot of improvements on this area now, so most of the queries will be much faster.