Introducing a Paid Memberships Pro integration

Version 3.5 of Users Insights is now available, introducing a Paid Memberships Pro integration. If you are using the Paid Memberships Pro plugin to manage your memberships site, now you can use Users Insights to search, filter and analyze your member data.

The Paid Memberships Pro module adds various useful data to Users Insights like member level, member status, member lifetime value and more. By activating the module all this data is automatically added to the Users Insights table and smart filters, so you can easily search and filter your users by their Paid Memberships Pro data. This allows you to dig deeper into your member data and get valuable insights on your membership business.

PMPro search users by level and status

Additionally, the Users Insights profile section includes a detailed history of each member’s activity, such as past subscriptions, list of payments and discount codes.

The Paid Memberships Pro module also comes with a reports feature that includes a number of general membership data reports as well as charts visualizing your membership sales and revenue data.

To learn more, head over to the Paid Memberships Pro page.


Other changes in version 3.5

The 3.5 update also includes some new WooCommerce features and improvements, including:

  • First Order date field & filter in the user table
  • Total Sales Amount report
  • List WooCommerce coupons used in the user profile section
  • Added a link in the WooCommerce order screen linking to the Users Insights profile page of the customer
  • WooCommerce Memberships: Ended Memberships report
  • WooCommerce Memberships: display the cancelled date of the membership (when available) in the user profile section
  • Enable AJAX search in the WooCommerce products filter when there is a large number of products available

We have also introduced some general improvements and minor bug fixes:

  • Improved: Allow floating labels in the reports that represent amounts
  • Improved: Icons style
  • Fixed: Filtering by role issue when there are roles that contain the filtered role as part of their name
  • Fixed: Issue with removing expired licenses