How to get user avatar in WordPress with code

Adding custom avatars to your WordPress site is a great way to make it stand out from other sites and make it more personalized for your users. User avatars are small pictures that represent individual users on your site and can be used for comments, profile pages, or anywhere else where you want to identify someone by an image.This article will guide you through the steps of adding user avatars to WordPress with a few simple lines of code. We’ll cover everything you need to know about getting started with user avatars in WordPress, so let’s get started!

How to Display Avatar for Currently Logged-in User

Displaying an avatar for the currently logged-in user is a simple task when using WordPress. All you need to do is use the built-in function get_avatar() which allows you to display an avatar for the currently logged-in user. First, make sure that you have the WordPress function get_avatar() available in your code. This function is included in the core WordPress code, so you don’t need to install any plugins or add any extra code to use it.

This function takes several parameters such as size, user ID, and other custom options. To display an avatar for the currently logged-in user, simply call this function with the appropriate parameters. An example code snippet would be:

Next, you’ll need to decide which user’s avatar you want to display. To do this, you’ll need to know the user’s ID. You can get the ID for the current user with the code $current_user = wp_get_current_user();

Now that you have the user’s ID, you can use the get_avatar() function to display their avatar. Here’s an example of how you might use this function:

$avatar = get_avatar( $current_user->ID, 64 );
echo $avatar;


The get_avatar() function takes two arguments: the first is the user’s ID, and the second is the size of the avatar that you want to display (in pixels). In the example above, we’re using a size of 64 pixels.

The above code snippet will display an avatar for the currently logged in user with a certain size specified by the parameter $size. You can also get the avatar URL using the get_avatar_url() function and use it to display a custom avatar. For example, if you have a custom file that contains your own avatar, you can simply echo out this file’s URL to display it on your site. The code snippet for this would be:

echo get_avatar_url(get_current_user_id());

This will return an URL of an avatar associated with a particular user ID specified by the parameter passed in (in this case, we used get_current_user_id() which returns an ID of the currently logged in user).

Finally, you can customize the way that the avatar is displayed by using CSS. Here’s an example of how you might style the avatar in your CSS file:

.avatar {
  border-radius: 50%;
  display: inline-block;
  overflow: hidden;

With all these functions available, displaying a custom or default avatar on your WordPress site should not be difficult at all!


With these simple steps, you should now be able to display a user’s avatar in WordPress. Of course, you can further customize the code to suit your needs, such as by using a different size or styling the avatar differently depending on the user’s role.